Men From Amongst Us

They are not aliens from Neptune
Neither are they strange guests from Mars
I know the woman
Who bore the man
Whose rear end
seats in power

Was my neighbour
Whose little daughter
Shared a stick of biscuit
With my little brother

Time and chance happened to him
He woke and found himself in power
But the decietfulness of riches
Left a good man salivating
Rapacious like an open grave

They are from among us
Good daddies that bought their kids ice-cream
That sang them lullabies
That took them to the movies

But time and chance happened to him
He woke one day and found himself in power
And the decietfulness of riches
Left a good man salivating
Rapacious like an open grave.

Image source:alams-cartoon.jpg


  1. True.The deductive implication is that corruption of our leaders did not start when they went into power.It is in us, power and wealth only exposes it

  2. A simplistic yet profound insight into the plague that infests a house long left derelict. A refreshing piece

  3. Our leaders forget that they were once common men... Truly power intoxicates..


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